Meet the experts under the motto "Quality requires qualification" for the 13th IOB-Congress in Vienna - Austria!

Please note that the organization and financial management of the congress in Wien will be fully taken care of by the Austrian federation VÖSN.
Book with VÖSN!

Vienna, Austria, September 17th+18th 2025


Since 1999, the biennial International Swimming Pond Congress has been a source of inspiration for new ideas and innovation, as well as a hub for interdisciplinary exchange of specialist companies and manufacturers who plan, build, supply, operate and assess natural bathing waters.
The expertise will be passed on to the participants by outstanding speakers at this Congress.
The 13th International Swimming Pond Congress will take place on 17th and 18th September 2025 in Vienna, Austria. The proven concept of the 10th Congress in Warsaw is largely taken over.
Venue is the Eventhotel Pyramide, Vienna, Vösendorf, a modern 4* business hotel with outstanding travelers rating. Lecture rooms, workshops, exhibition in the foyer, rooms and restaurant are in the immediate vicinity and within the resort.

Pondy Award

As patron of the International Swimming Pond Congress and umbrella organization for global swimming pond experts the International Organization for natural bathing water (IOB) has launched the Pondy Award.
All congress participants can vote for the winners of the international PONDY AWARD during the congress, which will be announced again by the IOB in 2025.
For Conditions of participation click here
and check last years winners


Thank you to our sponsors 2025




Exhibitors 2025


Mittwoch 17/09/2025 - Kongress Tag 1      
Uhrzeit Aktivität Thema Referent(en)
08:30 Einlass    
09:00 Wilkommen Begrüßung durch die IOB und dem VÖSN Stefan Meier, IOB Franz Kubacek, VÖSN
09:15 Vortrag 1 Zooplankton in der Praxis mit Lifevorführung Martin Mikulitsch
10:00 Vortrag 2 Makroorganismen in biologischen Schnellfiltern Andreas Fuchs
10:45 Kaffepause    
11:15 Vortrag 3 Was lebt in naturnahen Badegewässern (Aktion Frosch im Wassertropfen)
UNI Innsbruck
12:00 Vortrag 4 Nährstoffaufnahme Unterwasserpflanzen Wasser/Substrat  
12:30 Mittagessesn    
14:00 Vortrag 5 Plankton im Freiwasser in Badegewässern mit Schnellfiltern
Antje Kakuschke
14:45 Vortrag 6 Hygienische Relevanz von Schnellfiltern
Mathias Frey
15:15 Kaffepause    
16:00 Vortrag 7 Schwimmteichpflege versus Naturschutz Martin Mikulitsch
16:45 Vortrag 8 Heizen von naturnahen Badegewässern, Flächenheizungen contra Wärmepumpen Christoph Fink
17:30 Ende des ersten Kongresstages    
20:00 Gala Abend  


Donnerstag 18/09/2025 - Kongress Tag 2      
Uhrzeit Aktivität Thema Referent(en)
08:30 Einlass    
09:15 Vortrag 1 Gifte und Zusammenhang im Naturpool und Schwimmteich Franz Kubacek
10:00 Vortrag 2 Mitarbeiterbindung im Zeitalter der großen Transformation21 Johannes Dornhecker
10:45 Kaffepause    
11:15 Vortrag 3 Kombianlagen, das Beste aus zwei Welten Helmut Zangl
12:00 Vortrag 4    
12:30 Mittagessesn    
14:00 Vortrag 5 technische Möglichkeiten von Poolabdeckungen Christph Fink
14:45 Vortrag 6 Sanierung/Umbau/ Neubau, Podiumsdiskusion  
15:15 Kaffepause    
16:00 Vortrag 7 Bepflanzung für Schwimmteiche Claudia Tögel
16:45 Vortrag 8 Hygiene durch Verdünnung Wolfgang Wesner
17:30 Ende Ausblick und Verabschiedung


Wednesday 27/09/2023 - Conference Day 1

Sustainability of liners/EPDM,

Hour Event Topic Speaker(s)
Doors open
Welcome speech

Welcoming speech from IOB and Groen Groeien swimming pond builders

Official opening International Swimming Pond Conference 2023

President of the Belgian Farmers' Union opens the 12th edition of the International Swimming Pond Conference

Lecture 2

History of Belgian NSP projects and philosophy of the future | Green and water solutions in the capital city of Brussels.

Pool is Cool vzw (Paul Steinbrück)

John Kinnen (Ecoworks)

Lecture 3
From the first Public pool of Belgium (Boekenberg - Antwerp) to the new public pool in Brussels (Neerpede) - Issues with local communities and legal limitations

Kristof De Bonte

Georgius Tsoukalas

Coffee break
Lecture 4

Ecological footprint, by the German Association for Natural Bathing Water (DGfnB)

Lecture 5

Ecological footprint of various liners

Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Gruppe GmbH
Nina Röttgers

Lecture 6

Wood in swimming ponds and natural pools

Klaus Reiter, Martin Mikulitsch, Wolfgang Wesner, Herbert Lassnig

Lecture 7

Controlling Evapotranspiration through design in a water scarcity context: ET rates for different types of water borderline and total water consumption for fill-up.

Coffee break
Lecture 8

FLL in English

Lecture 9

Insights into the history of lake eutrophication research

Lecture 10

Sustainability of liners/EPDM, and the posibility or vision of manufacturars to make more durable EPDM foils and make durable compounds in pond applications.

Stijn Wulleman (Distripond)

Lecture 11

Planting planning and plants monitoring with DANAExpert

Polyplan Kreikenbaum, Hannes Kurzreuther

End of the first conference day
Gala night

Gala dinner with the award ceremony of the Pondy Awards. The evening will take place at the Van der Valk Hotel.

Thursday 28/09/2023 - Conference Day 2

Hour Event Topic Speaker(s)
Doors open
Lecture 12

Effects of undefined nutrient inputs in swimming ponds and natural pools and optimisations

Pool for Nature
Thorsten Schwuchow & Franz Foghera

Lecture 13

Nutrient management explained from scientific and practical perspective

Coffee break
Lecture 14

Nature based solutions, actual situation in EU and possibilities for the future

Lecture 15

Composition of Biofilm

Dr. Monika Riederer
Lecture 16

Pond edges

Helmut Zangle
Lecture 17

Airlift: Living water according to Schauberger for well-being and much more

Lecture 18

Research project in Belgium

Coffee break
Lecture 19

From lab to field. From research in the laboratory with fast flow biofilters to the implementation of the new Swiss norm.

Mattias Frei, ASC Schweiz

Lecture 20

Monitoring and maintenance with DANA database
DANA experts for plant selection and monitoring
Network training program

Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Gruppe GmbH, Nina Röttgers und Petra Huge

Lecture 21
Project presentation Milleniumpool Göteburg
WADI Introduction

Polyplan-Kreikenbaum Gruppe GmbH, Stefan Bruns

Lecture 22
Presentation VSEP Pieter van Beek
Optional: guided city walk - until 8 PM

City of Mechelen: how they implement water in the city?


Use the synergies as a sponsor for and at the 12th International Swimming Pond Congress 2023 in Belgium!

The Convention expects up to 150 visitors every day from all over the world.

In addition, each sponsor receives the inclusion of his logo on the official homepage of the IOB Congress.

More information available: click here