Meet the experts under the motto "Quality requires qualification" for the 13th IOB-Congress in Vienna - Austria!
Please note that the organization and financial management of the congress in Wien will be fully taken care of by the Austrian federation VÖSN.
Book with VÖSN!
Vienna, Austria, September 17th+18th 2025
Since 1999, the biennial International Swimming Pond Congress has been a source of inspiration for new ideas and innovation, as well as a hub for interdisciplinary exchange of specialist companies and manufacturers who plan, build, supply, operate and assess natural bathing waters.
The expertise will be passed on to the participants by outstanding speakers at this Congress.
The 13th International Swimming Pond Congress will take place on 17th and 18th September 2025 in Vienna, Austria. The proven concept of the 10th Congress in Warsaw is largely taken over.
Venue is the Eventhotel Pyramide, Vienna, Vösendorf, a modern 4* business hotel with outstanding travelers rating. Lecture rooms, workshops, exhibition in the foyer, rooms and restaurant are in the immediate vicinity and within the resort.
Pondy Award
As patron of the International Swimming Pond Congress and umbrella organization for global swimming pond experts the International Organization for natural bathing water (IOB) has launched the Pondy Award.
All congress participants can vote for the winners of the international PONDY AWARD during the congress, which will be announced again by the IOB in 2025.
For Conditions of participation click here
and check last years winners
Thank you to our sponsors 2025
Exhibitors 2025
Wednesday | 17/09/2025 | Convention Day 1 | |
Time | Activity | Theme | Speaker(s) |
08:15 | Admittance | ||
08:45 | Welcome | Welcome from the IOB and the VÖSN | Stefan Meier, IOB Franz Kubacek, VÖSN |
09:15 | Lecture 1 | Microbes, the invisible helpers | Martin Grasssberger |
10:15 | Coffee break | ||
11:00 | Lecture 2 | Hygienic relevance of quick filters (research results) |
Mathias Frey |
12:00 | Lecture 3 | Plankton in open water in bathing waters with rapid filters (research results) |
Antje Kakuschke |
12:45 | Lunch | ||
14:15 | Lecture 4 | Impact of climate change on our industry | Gerhard Hohenwarter (Angefragt) |
15:00 | Lecture 5 | What lives in natural bathing waters (frog in a drop of water campaign) (research results) |
UNI Innsbruck |
15:30 | Coffee break | ||
16:15 | Lecture 6 | Macroorganisms in biological rapid filters | Andreas Fuchs |
16:45 | Lecture 7 | Swimming pond maintenance versus nature conservation | Martin Mikulitsch |
17:15 | Lecture 8 | Heating of natural bathing waters | Christoph Fink |
17:45 | End of the first day of the convention | ||
20:00 | Gala Event | ||
Thursday | 18/09/2025 | Convention Tag 2 | |
Time | Activity | Theme | Speaker(s) |
08:30 | Admittance | ||
08:45 | Welcome | ||
09:00 | Lecture 1 | Gifte und Konsequenzen für Naturpool und Schwimmteich | Franz Kubacek |
09:30 | Lecture 2 | Die Hygiene in Pools - von 100 Jahre Chlordesinfektion zu einer biologische Zukunft | Jakob Schelker |
10:45 | Coffee break | ||
11:15 | Lecture 3 | Mitarbeiterbindung im Zeitalter der großen Transformation21 | Johannes Dornhecker |
12:00 | Lecture 4 | Hygiene durch Verdünnung | Wolfgang Wesner |
12:30 | Lunch | ||
14:00 | Lecture 5 | Gemeinsam sind wir stark - Vorarbeit für internationale Richtlinien von Naturfreibädern inkl Diskussion | Stefan Bruns |
14:30 | Lecture 6 | Naturfreibad Winsen - Nachhaltig und CO2 sparend | Hannes Kurzreuter |
14:45 | Lecture 7 | Sanierung/Umbau/ Neubau, Podiumsdiskusion | ??? |
15:15 | Coffee break | ||
16:00 | Lecture 8 | Bepflanzung für Schwimmteiche | Claudia Tögel |
16:45 | Lecture 9 | Öffentliche naturnahe Badegewässer - Erfahrungsberichte aus 3 Ländern | Platter, Zauner, Colditz |
17:30 | End | Ausblick und Verabschiedung | |
Use the synergies as a sponsor for and at the 12th International Swimming Pond Congress 2023 in Belgium!
The Convention expects up to 150 visitors every day from all over the world.
In addition, each sponsor receives the inclusion of his logo on the official homepage of the IOB Congress.
More information available: click here